The text below only applies to fixed price ads. Want to know how auction bidding works? Have a look here.
To participate in Bonop's Buy Now, you must first create an account. To ensure a secure environment for both our buyers and sellers, we ask you to verify your mobile number with a free one-time SMS code.
You can then simply purchase an item by clicking the 'Buy Now' button. When you buy through Bonop, you are guaranteed to receive the item or your money back.
It depends on the seller: if the seller has indicated that bidding is possible, you can place a bid on the ad, and it is up to the seller to accept it or not. He can also make you a counteroffer.
If you make a bid that is too low, the seller may take it as an insult and may not want to respond to you again.
A seller can have a reserve price, if your bid is below the reserve price, your bid will be rejected immediately.
The total cost of using our Buy It Now service, in addition to the price of the item, is the Bonop fee, Bonoppay insurance and transaction fee, which totals 3.5% of the purchase price (with a minimum of $ 1,50), plus any shipping costs added at the time of final payment.
Any other costs or charges, such as customs or import duties, clearance and handling, may also be incurred during the shipment of your lot and will be charged to you at a later date if applicable.
Any other costs or charges such as duties, import or export taxes, customs clearance, vehicle registration and handling are not included and may be incurred while your lot is being shipped and may be charged to you at a later date.
Once a bid has been placed, it becomes binding. You are required to purchase any lot you win for the amount you've bid. By placing a bid, you agree to our Terms and Conditions.
An item is yours once you have paid the agreed price plus Bonop fees. However, in exceptional cases, a seller may no longer have the item available. In this case, you will get your money back immediately.
By creating a free Bonop account, you can bid on items, respond to items, or start selling items yourself.